Project Principal Investigator
Dr. Mladen Kezunovic, PI
University Distinguished Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Texas A&M University
Dr. Mladen Kezunovic (S’77-M’80–SM’85–F’99-LF’17), received the Dipl. Ing., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 1974, 1977, and 1980, respectively. He has been with Texas A&M University for 35 years. Currently, he is Regents Professor, Eugene E. Webb Professor and Site Director of “Power Engineering Research Center, PSerc” consortium. His expertise is in Protective Relaying, Automated Power System Disturbance Analysis, Computational Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Smart Grids. He has published over 600 papers, completed over 50 Research Reports, written 10 books and book chapters, given over 120 seminars, invited lectures and short courses, and consulted for over 50 companies worldwide. He is the Principal Consultant of XpertPower™ Associates, a consulting firm specializing in power systems data analytics. Dr. Kezunovic is an IEEE Life Fellow, a CIGRE Fellow, Honorary and Distinguished Member, and a Registered Professional Engineer in Texas. Dr. Kezunovic was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2022.
Dr. Zoran Obradovic, Co-PI
Professor, Computer Science
Data Analytics & Computer Science
Temple University
Dr. Zoran Obradovic is a Distinguished Professor and a Center director at Temple University, an Academician at the Academia Europaea (the Academy of Europe) and a Foreign Academician at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He mentored 45 postdoctoral fellows and Ph.D. students, many of whom have independent research careers at academic institutions (e.g. Northeastern Univ., Ohio State Univ,) and industrial research labs (e.g. Amazon, Facebook, Hitachi Big Data, IBM T.J.Watson, Microsoft, Yahoo Labs, Uber, Verizon Big Data, Spotify). Zoran is the editor-in-chief at the Big Data journal and the steering committee chair for the SIAM Data Mining conference. He is also an editorial board member at 13 journals and was the general chair, program chair, or track chair for 11 international conferences. His research interests include data science and complex networks in decision support systems addressing challenges related to big, heterogeneous, spatial and temporal data analytics motivated by applications in healthcare management, power systems, earth and social sciences. His studies were funded by AFRL, DARPA, DOE, KAUST, NIH, NSF, ONR, PA Department of Health and industry. He published more than 440 articles and is cited more than 31,000 times.
Dr. Alexander L. Brown, Co-PI
Professor, Economics
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Texas A&M University
Dr. Alexander L. Brown is a full professor in the Department of Economics at Texas A&M University. He received his Ph.D. in Social Science from California Institute of Technology in 2008. His research focuses on the two specialized fields: cognitive biases in judgment and decision-making, and game theory, both of which he often–though not exclusively–examines through the lens of experimental economics. His publications include 21 peer-reviewed journal articles, one book chapter, and one encyclopedia article. His work has appeared in top journals across business, economics and general science including Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Literature, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, and Nature Human Behavior. He has been a part of several sources of external funding, totaling roughly $3.3 million, from sources such as the Federal Highway Administration and National Science Foundation. He served as associate editor at Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization from 2014-2020.
Dr. Heidi Grunwald
Associate Vice President for Research and Faculty Development
Social and Behavioral Sciences
North Dakota State University
Dr. Heidi Grunwald, PhD, has been hired as the associate vice president for research and faculty development in the NDSU Office of Research and Creative Activity. She will play a vital role in NDSU’s efforts to increase faculty success in securing external funding and to pursue strategic research priorities with both state and federal funding potential. She will help build momentum in key strategic research priorities through enhanced programs critical to building faculty success at all ranks in all the disciplines across campus (STEM, arts, humanities, social sciences, education, and more).
Dr. Paul A. Pavlou, Co-PI
Dean, Miami Herbert Business School
Social and Behavioral Sciences
University of Miami
Dr. Paul A. Pavlou is the Dean of the Miami Herbert Business School at the University of Miami. Paul received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. His research has been cited over 70,000 times by Google Scholar, and he was recognized among the “World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters based on an analysis of “Highly Cited” authors in Economics & Business for 2002-2012. He was ranked #1 in the world in publications in the top two Information Systems journals (MISQ & ISR) during 2010-2016.
Dr. Roger Enriquez, Co-PI
Associate Professor & Executive Director at UTSA Westside Community Partnerships
College of Health Community and Policy
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Roger Enriquez, J.D., is an Associate Professor & Executive Director with the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), specializing in law and holding a role as an Associate Professor and Executive Director. He is involved in initiatives aiming at restoring the West Side of San Antonio.
Dr. Christopher G. Reddick
Professor Department of Public Administration
College of Health, Community, & Policy
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Christopher Reddick, with over 20 years of experience as a professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), has been imparting knowledge in economics, finance, and general management. He has not only contributed to academia but has also shared his research ideas globally as a guest speaker, panelist, or facilitator at numerous esteemed conferences. In addition to his academic commitments, he owns and operates Chris Reddick Financial Planning, LLC, offering specialized financial planning services, reflecting his dedication to education and financial empowerment.